Saturday, March 14, 2009

my fav man on earth.,(but he's now beyond earth:) )

Isn’t he handsome? Most people say that he was a nice guy, with a good sense of humor. Some would say that he has been a good nurse, good friend, makulet son and authoritarian brother. He had also a good feedback from his teachers as well as his Clinical Instructor way back in his college years. Am I sound too proud?. hehehe Don’t be confused, its not myself I am talking about. It’s my kuya. But he’s no longer here anymore. Well, this story has been told to many people since that incident happened.

I was in the church that time when my sister ran towards me and told that our brother was rushed to the hospital because he met an accident when he’s about to go to his girlfriend’s house which an approximately 25 kilometers away from our place (we never blamed for that).We had to rush him to Davao Medical Center because he had a damage on his head and need to undergo CT scan and we found out that blood clotting occurred in his head and operation was needed as soon as possible. After that day he went to an operation and it was successful. We never worried about what to spend because in some reasons we were abundant with money, support rendered by those people who love him.

The operation went well and the doctor said that compare to other patient which undergone that kind of operation my brother has the fastest improvement. In that statement, our hopes of having him alive were really high. After that day we(me and his friends) had planned to transfer him to the hospital were he worked but the night came and our big expectation were collapsed when someone told us that he passed away. When we first heard that news we never convinced because from what we heard from his doctor, he had a great development. It was cold rainy night(i think the weather added the sorrow that i had felt that time), not minding if we'll got sick we rushed to our friend's house to call my sister who was at the hospital and the news was confirmed. We were all shocked and only one thing came to my mind. It was only a big WHY??.It was so hard for me to accept that kuya died with out even seeing me before he died and that lead me to a guilt that he never feel my love and support when he was still in the hospital which was actually opposite to what I really wanted to happen. I was very eager to visit him to the hospital but because we are in Digos and kuya admitted at Davao Mom just told me to stay at home and just attend my class because we really expect for his recovery to be really quick.

The burial had passed,many friends and girlfriends were also there and we were just laughing about the fact that kuya had a lot of girlfriends at the same time. But mind you, all those girl accepted that fact even since they had their relationship with my kuya. We were still in denial about what had happen. We only think that kuya was just went abroad .We know that we should accept that mere fact but than that was the only way for us to escape form the excruciating pain of losing our only boy in our family.

It's been 3 years since then and we already accepted that kuya is not longer with us anymore. But though he's not here, our sweet and happy memories were stay in our hearts.

I wish he'll be in my birthday:)

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